Tag Archives: blessings and curses

Gen. 49:off Oh Sons, Gather Together and Hear… 6-29-14

Ruins. Genesis Studies

© 1998-2014
Fellowship at Cross Creek
Gen. 49.1ff
O Sons, Gather Together and Hear…

Intro… 1) Do the sins of the fathers fall to their children, as the Old Covenant stated concerning Israel, or how do both one or a generation’s good and bad choices affect later generations, or do you think this is the case, and if so, how so? And if so, is it fair? Can you think of any examples from your life or from others’ experiences? Do you think about this with respect to your own decisions—that your actions could be affecting later generations of descendants?

2) If what God says about us his New Testament or New Covenant children is true—that we have the Spirit of God as down payment towards something much more, including heaven, joy and the presence of God forever–how does this shape your thoughts and choices now? Does knowing you have heaven, God, angels, the Spirit of God, joy, prayer, the Scriptures and the community of believers affect how you live, or do you even understand these blessings or rewards or their implications? Or do you take them for granted?

Recently, we began a new unit or section or person of, study…the life of Joseph. Essentially, the story of Joseph, is for the most part, our story. Chosen by God for a special purpose, Joseph must first endure much suffering and injustice before arriving at his God-ordained purpose and calling, and what a purpose it will be.

As we read, I want you to continue pondering, your special identity in Christ, and that just because you may be going through difficult days, your suffering…your waiting is NOT in vain. As God’s child…as God’s children, just as with Joseph and his brothers, you…we…all have a purpose in Christ (Romans 8; Eph. 1; 1 Peter 1)

Your servant,

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